Building Pathways

“Building Pathways” will support some of Cardiff and the Vale’s most disadvantaged young people to improve their health, well-being and education opportunities and bring them closer to employment or encourage them to continue with further study through sustainable construction and sustainable land management programmes.

Based on 12 years of clinical research, this project will be underpinned by relationship centred and meaningful outdoor experiences which change people’s lives. Participants will be able to experience a wide range of activities, such as building amazing structures with Welsh and natural materials and sustainable land management, building their confidence and supporting them back towards employment or study. There will be the opportunity to gain a Work Related Education qualification through Agored Cymru or a Health and Safety in a Construction Environment Award through NOCN (precursor course for gaining CSCS card).

Who is this project for?

This project is aimed at young people aged 16 – 24 not in education, employment or training. They need to be economically inactive or unemployed and living in Cardiff or the Vale of Glamorgan. We are looking for referral agencies with at least 12 potential participants who might want to participate in a programme or individuals who want to refer themselves onto a programme.


There are 5 intake dates scheduled for 2021/22:

w/c 13th September 2021
w/c 31st October 2021
w/c 17th January 2022
w/c 28th February 2022
w/c 25th April 2022

Groups will attend 1 day a week for 6 weeks. We’ll be running a group every weekday.

10:00 – 14:30.


We will be based at ‘Our Health Meadow’ on land adjacent to Llandough Hospital where you will be helping to create an amazing outdoor therapeutic space. More details about this project can be found here

What do you need?

You need to be able to get to the site. There are buses to Llandough Hospital or we might be able to arrange transport for you. You can see the site location here
A packed lunch. Don’t forget sandwiches, we’ll provide the tea and biscuits!
You need to wear clothing that they can move comfortably in, don’t mind getting dirty, and is suitable for British weather! We have plenty of waterproofs that group members can use.

Who is funding this project?

The programme is funded by the European Social Fund delivered by the Welsh Government and managed through WCVA’s Active Inclusion Fund. It aims to reduce economic inactivity in Wales and improve the employability of disadvantaged people furthest from the labour market, who often have complex barriers to employment.